School Uniform

The uniform colours are claret (a shade of burgundy), white and grey.

  • Sweatshirts and cardigans are claret and PE shorts are maroon
  • Polo shirts and t-shirts are white
  • Skirts, trousers and pinafore dresses are grey
  • Summer dresses are red and white check

PE kit should be in school all week. Teachers will communicate the specific PE days for each class.

In support of making uniform affordable, we are happy for school uniform without logos to be worn, providing they are in the correct school colours, as detailed above. These are available from many local supermarkets. Uniform with logos can be purchased from:


40-42 Abington Square Northampton, NN1 4AA

Please ensure that all uniform is named

 Children should be dressed as follows:


Uniform Requirements


  • White polo shirt – logo optional
  • Grey trousers – long or short
  • Grey skirt, trousers or pinafore dress – skirts and dresses should be at least mid-thigh to knee length
  • Sensible black shoes 
  • Claret sweatshirt of cardigan – logo optional
  • In summer, red and white gingham dresses with school sweatshirt or cardigan


  • A book bag or rucksack can be used. Please avoid large bags as space in cloakrooms and lockers is limited

PE (all pupils)

Indoor PE:

  • White t-shirt with optional logo
  • Maroon shorts (must be mid-thigh to knee length)
  • Indoor PE shoes or plimsolls (black or white)

Outdoor PE:

  • White t-shirt with optional logo
  • Black, maroon or grey jogging bottoms
  • Change of socks
  • Black or white trainers (not astro turf trainers)

Sun protection

  • As our playground gets very sunny during hot weather, we encourage pupils to wear sun hats and to apply a high factor sun cream before coming to school.